
Event announcement: Self-sufficiency with natural resources based on the principles of the circular economy

An interactive discussion on the economic, social and environmental aspects of the sustainable management of mineral raw materials as natural resources.

The event will take place on 27 May 2024 from 9:30 to 17:00 at the Chamber of Commerce Gospodarske Zbornice Slovenijeand Industry of Slovenia, Dimičeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana.

It is organised by the Mineral Resources Section of the Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry, the Surface Mining Association and the company Georudeko d.o.o. The event is free of charge.

For organisational purposes, please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail to [email protected] no later than Thursday, 23 May 2024, at 13:00.


The event will explore a wide range of topics focusing on various aspects of the self-sufficiency of communities and regions with mineral raw materials. Discussions will highlight the impact of sustainable development of the mining sector on infrastructure, the economy, the environment and society, as well as the crucial role and importance of mining in facilitating the green transition.

Key points will include the multiplier effects of mineral deposits and their importance for both the Slovenian and EU economies. The focus will be on resources for which the proper management approach ensures sustainable energy use for each unit of resource transformed into a product.

The programme will showcase examples of good practice, with a special focus on the circular economy. This includes the management of secondary raw materials, exploring possibilities of their use to conserve natural resources. The event will also illustrate how the adoption of a circular economy approach influences infrastructure development, social structure and demographic trends in local communities.

1. Sustainable use of resources to ensure a stable circular economy

2. Management and regulation for the sustainable development of natural resource deposits

3. Financial aspects of sustainable natural resource management

4. Socio-economic impacts of the circular economy on communities

The event aims to demonstrate the potential of an integrated approach to dealing with challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by the sustainable management of natural resources. It will highlight the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation and the integration of financial and socio-economic strategies into basic plans for sustainable green development.

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LIFE20 IPE/Sl/000021
The LIFE IP Restart project (LIFE20 IPE/SI/000021) is an integrated project co-financed by the European LIFE Programme. The opinions and information expressed on the website are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the awarding authority can be held responsible for them.