A monitoring protocol will be established for each project action, specifying key performance indicators. In addition, key indicators will be defined to assess the project's overall impact. The monitoring activities and results will form the basis for a new measure aimed at improving interoperability and waste management monitoring.

D1 – Monitoring of the Project's KPIs
D2 – Monitoring of the project in relation to the WMPP
D3 – Monitoring of the Environmental Impacts - LIFE KPIs
D4 – Monitoring of Socio-Economic Impacts

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LIFE20 IPE/Sl/000021
The LIFE IP Restart project (LIFE20 IPE/SI/000021) is an integrated project co-financed by the European LIFE Programme. The opinions and information expressed on the website are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the awarding authority can be held responsible for them.